Panajachel, Guatemala – Obtrusive vendors

Panajachel is a busy tourist town thanks to its location at Lago Atitlán. Visitors shove in the narrow roads, mainly hippies of modern times who might have daddy’s cheque in their pocket. Nothing’s cheap here. Boat trips, excursions, guided hiking tours are offered for steep fares mainly by Ladinos. Indígenas are cheap workers or offer craftwork. Especially in the main shopping road Calle Santander not a minute passes by without being offered to buy something. Either you quickly leave town or get used to be permanently pressurized to purchasing. It might bug a bit, but the lively, cheerful, pulsating Guatemala fascinates.

In the afternoon we meet Patti who runs a guesthouse with apartments in town’s best location ( Patti is a friend of Tessa when she still lived in Guatemala. We have met Tessa in Mexican Pátzcuaro and visited her in San Miguel de Allende. We expect her here in a few days. Besides, Patti committed herself to a project that she has founded some years ago: supports education, health and nutrition of the Indigene population, but for pets and street dogs as well.

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