Palenque was built by the Maya. First indications to settlement date from 100 BC, and the town reached its height from 600 to 800 AD. Palenque is neither the oldest nor the biggest of all Maya places, but one of the most beautiful. Surrounded by tropical forest a small creek flows through the antique city and pours forth in beautiful pools that must have been popular then. Buildings and pyramids are scattered over the area. A four-storey tower on top of the palace that was probably used as observatory and watch tower is special as are the jungle atmosphere and the howling monkeys.
From the Maya Bell campground we have to walk for 2.5 km steeply uphill to the main entrance, after the visit it is possible to follow a jungle path to the museum, from where it is just one kilometre back to the camping. Entrance fee costs 51 MXN pp.