Lake Pátzcuaro is an idyllically located lake between rolling hills and pre-Columbian villages. The loop is just 90 km long. In many of these towns still today their traditional trades are practised. In one village beautiful coloured award-winning wooden masks are made, in the next one straw huts in all shapes and sizes. We find pottery or lacquer work from wood bowl and trays with bright flowers. Another community creates statues for the garden or the typical small chapels, shrines and sanctuaries at the side of the road, the next one makes wrought-iron tables and chairs. If you ever pass by Lake Pátzcuaro, dont miss the Rolf who runs a German-Bavarian restaurant on the south-western shore. It is a beautiful location with a pretty garden, ponds with trout, ducks and other animals. And the food made by his son is delicious!