Fairbanks, Alaska – Hot washing day with Bannock

There is summer in the high North. Since three days we have 27°C, but it feels much hotter, more intense up here. I’d like to use a day of laundry and car washing to tell you about something I didn’t mention before: Bannock, wherefore Yukon is famous. Bannock is a simple pan bread that you can bake everywhere on a camp fire or any other heat source. It consists of few ingredients: Flour, water, salt, and baking powder or yeast or baking soda. Kneed dough, form a flat loaf, spread some oil in a pan and bake the bread preferably covered for 15 min, turn, and finish in another 15 min.

Bannock is sometimes called Indian bread, but trapper bread would be more correct, because trappers and gold miners in the past days used to eat that a lot. The Natives learned baking bread from the trappers. Actually this method is said to come from Scotland. In the old days people used sourdough to improve taste. Every trapper always carried a tin full, that’s why they were often called “Sourdoughs”. You can use different ingredients to improve taste. I found this recipe in Inuvik:

2 cups flour, ½ teaspoon salt, ¼ cup sugar, 2 ts baking powder, ¼ cup veggie oil, ½ cup milk, 1 egg. Kneed quickly, form a flat loaf, and bake at 180°C / 350°F for about 15 – 20 min.

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